
Help us publish Carson’s book in paperback: http://www.beesfund.com/projekty/pokaz/120,historia-kapitalizmu-k–carsona

Several years ago, we undertook the challenge of translating Kevin Carson’s seminal work „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” (originally published in 2007) into Polish. Although it’s been long since we made our rough first draft available online (at carson.liberalis.pl), it’s an admittedly imperfect work, as all the translating and editing was done by amateur enthusiasts. We believe this book deserves better. That is why we’ve decided to make this work available in paperback, with all the bells and whistles of professional editing.

Publishing the book is no easy (nor cheap) thing. To obtain the necessary funding we’ve decided on crowdfunding. Crowdfunding in Poland is not so diverse as in the US or the UK and is in the initial stages of development. Because of that and due to the fact that „Studies…” will, as far as I know, be the first translated book to be published in Poland by means of crowdfunding, by publishing the book we are aiming to show that crowdfunding is a viable option when it comes to funding books. This is, as it should be, especially important to us as market anarchists: crowdfunding enables us to bypass the publisher (which more often than not operates as a corporate entity) and publish the book in a grey area of some sort. Ideologically, then, the case is big. But we can’t do this alone: we’re turning to You aficionados, anarchists, libertarians, individualists, front-porch intellectuals and plain ol’ weirdoes and calling on You to help us bring this work to the world. It’s our hope that if “Historia kapitalizmu. Perspektywa wolnorynkowego socjalizmu” sees the light of day, it will provide a platform for left-libertarian and mutualist ideas in Poland.

We would be very grateful if you told your friends about the project, posted on your site, blog, twitter, etc. If someone is willing to help us financially, let they contact me on this e-mail address (k.sledzinski@yahoo.pl) and I’ll give all the necessary information. It goes without saying that for anyone who helps us meet our goal we’ll provide the same gifts that are on the website, which I’ve translated below.

10 zł
Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in PDF format

20 zł
Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in MOBI format

35 zł
Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print as well as in PDF and MOBI formats

60 zł
Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print with a dedication from the translators as well as in PDF and MOBI formats

120 zł
A t-shirt and a button as well as Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print as well as in PDF and MOBI formats

250 zł
Your name on a list donors in the book + 5 copies of Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print + the book in PDF and MOBI formats

500 zł
One-page advertisement inside the book + 10 copies of Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print + the book in PDF and MOBI formats

1000 zł
One-page advertisement inside the book + advertisement on the back of the book + 15 copies of Polish translation of the book „Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” in print + the book in PDF and MOBI formats

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